Hi all,
I'm pleased to announce that today we've released our latest plugin for YetiShare - Voucher Reseller Plugin!
The plugin enables you to set users up as 'resellers' on your site. Once you grant them access they'll be able to order premium voucher codes at a discounted rate, depending on how many they purchase.
They can then offer these codes via their own website or community and earn commission on each. You'll also gain more exposure with these resellers pushing traffic to your website.
For full details see here:
- https://yetishare.com/voucher_reseller_plugin.html
Or go straight to our demo site and have a look around - https://fhscript.com (u: admin, p: password)
We've been working on the plugin for the past past 3-4 weeks and I'm very pleased with how it's turned out. If you have any feedback or suggested changes feel free to post them in the RFCs and I'll take a look at the next review. We're always looking to improve so it's all appreciated.
Keep an eye on the site for some updates to the core YetiShare core in the next few weeks aswell. It's next on the hit list!