- Admin area complete redesign.
- Option to fully delete font in admin area.
- Add font page in admin area.
- Edit font page in admin area.
- Added plugin architecture.
- User has option on website to queue each font for download. View queue page added.
- Added indexes within the database to improve performance.
- Better UTF-8 support and fixes to wrongly encoded database data.
- Added 'more details' link to font preview.
- Email address added to comments form.
- Added option to refresh a fonts preview image on edit font page.
- Added the option to set license type for each font.
- Added the option to set designers website, profile and blog url for each font.
- Added optional banned words list for comments. Set in admin/config/site settings.
- Set font preview text override in admin edit font. If set the font preview wont change when user sets custom preview text.
- Added ordering filter to category and atoz listing. Sort by Newest, atoz, top rated and downloads.
- User registration page & members area.
- User login page.
- Forgot password page.
- "Your Fonts" page for previously submitted fonts once logged in.
- Previous downloaded fonts page once logged in.
- Optional comment form captcha.
- Optional contact form captcha.
- Optional registration form captcha.
- Added social network sharing links to all pages.
- Removed database password from displaying if there's an error with database connectivity.
- Added secure phpinfo page within admin area to aid with debugging.
- Removed admin area navigation if not logged in.
- Improved admin login form style.
- Admin area bug fix for changing admin password/edit account.
- Filter by font status on 'manage fonts'.
- Links on dashboard to views of active, pending and removed fonts.
- On the front-end, the category name is now listed by each font on the search results and font details.
- Fixed minor bug when browsing by number and alpha starting fonts showing /a-z/num/.
- Option to delete comments within the admin area.
- Added edit font & font categories page.
- Added RSS feed of latest fonts.
- Added the ability to set adverts at regular intervals between fonts.
- Added most popular font listing to homepage and reduced number of 'latest fonts' results to 5.
- Added option to share fonts with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter & Google+ via addthis.
- Added the ability to set a 'preview text override' on editing a font. If set, this text is used no matter what the site default preview text is. Use for fonts which are very specific in their character sets.